- @GameID varchar(14),
- @Time datetime
- AS
- set nocount on
- declare @increasebonusinitcount_error int, @insertmail_error int
- begin transaction
- update tblGameID1 set BonusInitCount = BonusInitCount + 1 where GameID = @GameID
- select @increasebonusinitcount_error = @@ERROR
- insert tblMail1 (Time, Recipient, Sender, ReadOrNot, Title, Line, Content, Item) values(@Time, @GameID, '[Kasham]', 0, 'Urgent Message from Kasham', 11, 'I am Kasham. You may remember me from the last
- quest. I am one of the scientists from the
- state-of-the-art lab in Signus. I have been
- sent to help you out.
- I heard that you are suffering from wrong
- distribution of your attributes. Visit our agent
- disguising as a doctor. Our adavanced medical
- art will solve your problem.
- I will contact you again if something happens.
- Please take care of yourself.', '')
- select @insertmail_error = @@ERROR
- if @increasebonusinitcount_error = 0 AND @insertmail_error = 0
- begin
- commit transaction
- end
- else
- begin
- rollback transaction
- end
- @GameID varchar(14),
- @Time datetime
- AS
- set nocount on
- declare @increasebonusinitcount_error int, @insertmail_error int
- begin transaction
- update tblGameID1 set BonusInitCount = BonusInitCount + 1 where GameID = @GameID
- select @increasebonusinitcount_error = @@ERROR
- insert tblMail1 (Time, Recipient, Sender, ReadOrNot, Title, Line, Content, Item) values(@Time, @GameID, '[卡森]', 0, '紧急信件', 11, '我是卡森,你还记得我吗?
- 我是来自锡葛尼斯科学实验室的博士,
- 希望能帮助到你。
- 我听说你正饱受属性分配错误的困扰,
- 请去拜访我们伪装成医生的同事,
- 获取神秘的药剂,它能够解决你的问题。
- 必要时候,我会再次联系你。
- 保重!', '')
- select @insertmail_error = @@ERROR
- if @increasebonusinitcount_error = 0 AND @insertmail_error = 0
- begin
- commit transaction
- end
- else
- begin
- rollback transaction
- end
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