- @GameID varchar(14),
- @Time datetime
- AS
- set nocount on
- declare @updatestoryqueststate_error int, @insertmail_error int
- insert tblMail1 (Time, Recipient, Sender, ReadOrNot, Title, Line, Content, Item) values(@Time, @GameID, '[RedMoon]', 0, '[奖励]恭喜您达到1000级!', 13, '
- 你已经通过重重考验达到1000级,
- 如果想继续提升,需要借助于神秘丹药。
- 它能够帮助你到达新的高度。
- 你知道在哪能找到我,我在等你.
- 卡森', '')
- --1000级奖励:生命水X10,钥匙X5,生化箱子X5,毒药X3,石头X1
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 197, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 0, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 197, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 0, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 197, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 0, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 214, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 1, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 214, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 1, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 214, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 1, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 213, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 2, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 213, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 2, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 213, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 2, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 213, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 2, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 213, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 2, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 67, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 3, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 67, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 3, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 67, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 3, @Time)
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 196, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 4, @Time)
- select @insertmail_error = @@ERROR
- if @updatestoryqueststate_error = 0 AND @insertmail_error = 0
- begin
- commit transaction
- end
- else
- begin
- rollback transaction
- end
复制代码 目前在用的版本,汉化了信件内容,并增加了随邮件发送千级奖励的Insert语句。
- insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, ItemDurability, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, MiscTime) values (6, 196, 4, 2, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1, @GameID, 100, 4, @Time)
复制代码 借这个语句看一下随信发特的要点:
- /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.RMS_LEVEL1000MAIL Script Date: 2004-5-13 11:21:09 ******/
- @GameID varchar(14),
- @Time datetime
- AS
- set nocount on
- declare @updatestoryqueststate_error int, @insertmail_error int
- insert tblMail1 (Time, Recipient, Sender, ReadOrNot, Title, Line, Content, Item) values(@Time, @GameID, '[Kasham]', 0, 'Legendary Medicine', 13, '
- You have struggled through an arduous journey
- of self-discovery and personal development that
- has honed your skills to a Level of perfection.
- But now you must focus your body and spirit into
- finding what can only be described as "Legendary
- Medicine"; a pill that when taken by one
- enlightened as you allows you to develop your
- attributes even further. Who knows what you
- can achieve!
- You know where I am if you need me.
- Kasham', '')
- select @insertmail_error = @@ERROR
- if @updatestoryqueststate_error = 0 AND @insertmail_error = 0
- begin
- commit transaction
- end
- else
- begin
- rollback transaction
- end